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Android App Test Monkey Download

App automation, mobile web automation, mobile automation, no need for Root, accessibility;


VSCode Development Plugin Test Monkey Download

You can install it in the VSCode extension, search for testmonkey autotest, the official installation is convenient for updating. If you can't find the extension, you can download it here.

It supports code auto-completion. You can search for the teskmoney repository on github, there are related files in the demo code.

Development tools, VSCode, code auto-completion;


Independent JS file Test Monkey Download

Web automation.

Developers can introduce the following JS file in their own webpage to use the function of Test Monkey. They can also directly copy the code within the file and run it in the F12 console of the target webpage.


Script Monkey Recording Script - Recorder Script Monkey download Script Monkey Recording Script - Recorder, click on the app to automatically generate code, non-programmers can also play